Boxer Dog Breed Profile (Characteristics, History, Care Tips)

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Today we want to share with you a special post:
The Boxer Dog!
The boxer is an energetic, intelligent, athletic, and loyal dog breed with a sweet and playful temperament that makes it an ideal companion.
Boxers often get along very well with children and possess an instinct to protect the family, making them wonderful family dogs, despite their history as fighting dogs.
Boxers have become incredibly popular in the United States, but the breed dates back to 16th-century Europe.
Are you thinking of getting a new Boxer Puppy or just interested in learning more about the Boxer? Have you ever wondered if Boxers are good with children? or, Is the Boxer a good family pet? Then let's get into the video and find out!
Enjoy The Video Tutorial about Boxer Dogs Characteristics and Care!
Source: Fenrir Canine Show
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