How to Build a Frog-Friendly Pond

How to create a frog bog habitat

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Building a Frog-Friendly Pond

Having frogs in the garden is definitely a laudable goal - frogs will help reduce insect populations and make you sing their songs. The best way to share your garden with frogs is to simply build a frog-friendly pond.

Restoring their natural habitat is the best way to attract frogs (toads are good too) and keep them from migrating in search of more frog-friendly environments. Keep in mind that if you live in an area or climate where frogs are not seen often, the chances of attracting them are obviously low.

However, in these regions, frogs are unlikely to function because frogs do not develop naturally under these conditions.

Why  Native Species of Frogs are the Best

When building a frog-friendly pond you are limited to native species and this is best. Alien species pose two problems: either they will not survive, or they can survive and build a local population, which can be catastrophic for the local ecosystem. However, they can spread diseases like the devastating chytrid fungus.

It is also relatively easy to meet the needs of a native species, especially when it comes to dealing with local weather conditions.

How to attract frogs

The best way to attract frogs is to find out what kind of habitat your native frogs love and try to restore that habitat in your backyard. You may be able to get information on native frog species to your state or province for wildlife or natural resources. Here are some general tips to help you build a frog-friendly pond:

  • Easy access to water. A sloped-sided pond is needed so that frogs can easily enter and exit the pond. It is better to use a flexible pond to build a frog pond that gradually degrades from shallow to deep. A preformed plastic liner can be used, but you will need to place rocks or other objects in the water for the frogs to create a ramp to get in and out. However, the pond should not be too large.
  • Avoid aeration, seepage, and waterfall. Frogs love calm, calm waters.
  • No fish. Fish are natural predators of frogs, especially eggs and tadpoles.
  • Add plants in and around the pond. A variety of aquatic plants, such as water lilies, provide shelter, shade, and a more natural environment. Also, provide plants around the pond for protection and shade (cough, ferns, wildflowers, etc.). Also, let the grass continue to grow around the pond for additional coverage. The plants in and around the pond attract insects and other organisms that the frogs feed on. Native plants are best - check with your garden center
  • Don't keep it too clean. Remember that most natural ponds do not shine. The organic matter in the water creates natural conditions and feeds the frogs' natural prey. The algae in the pond feed the tadpoles.
  • Offer additional protection. Set some clay pots aside and partially bury them for added protection and shade. Remember that frogs like to be moist and cool and they also need hiding places for predators.
  • Minimize predators. If you have cats and dogs, try to limit their access to the pond. You may want to install a metal fence around the pond area to keep predators out.
  • Keep it chemically free. Frogs are very sensitive to pollutants and you don't want to use garden chemicals in your garden that can ultimately harm frogs.

Last but not least Patience

Once you've built the perfect pond, it may take some time to get established and local frogs find it. Avoid the temptation to grab the frogs and put them in your pond, as the adult frogs have made their home and may try to return.

If it's legal, you can try catching the tadpoles and putting them in your pond. However, check your local animal laws, as collecting tadpoles is illegal in many places.

Note: Never add captured frogs to your pond and never release them in the wild. Alien species can destroy local ecosystems, transmit strange diseases, and become invasive species. Native frogs can also transmit diseases that can kill local wild frogs.

The spread of chytrid fungi is a major factor in the amphibian extinction crisis, and the movement of frogs in the pet trade can potentially contribute to the spread of this devastating disease. Be a responsible owner and never let your pets go.

Enjoy The Video Tutorial about How to create a frog bog habitat!

Source: Gardening Australia

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How to Build a Frog-Friendly Pond

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