How to Seed a New Aquarium

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How long does it take to seed a new aquarium?
Seeding a new aquarium has become a popular practice. It is the process of transferring nitrifying bacteria from an established aquarium to a new aquarium.
Stocking allows the new aquarium to begin the cycling process.
how long does to cycle a tank with seeded media? Normally it takes 4-6 weeks for beneficial bacteria to grow to complete the nitrogen cycle in a new aquarium.
It is not unusual for stocked aquariums to spend half the time normally, allowing you to store more fish in the new tank sooner.
Restocking also helps reduce stress on the fish and reduces or eliminates the loss of fish due to the start cycle.
Where bacteria live
Contrary to some reports, the water does not contain significant amounts of nitrifying bacteria; They are attached to the surfaces of the aquarium.
Therefore, transferring water from an established tank will not do much good.
Most seed aquarium bacteria reside in gravel and filter media (ceramic rings, filter wire, sponge, etc.).
Bacteria can also be found on rocks, artificial plants, and other items with a porous surface.
Purchase of planting equipment
The challenge of acquiring planting material is the reason why more people are not planting their new aquariums, but there are several options to get their hands on them.
If you already have at least one aquarium in operation, the planting material is easily obtained. If you don't have another tank established, look for some outside sources:
- Local Fishmongers (LFS) - Fishmongers can meet a customer's demand for stocking equipment.
- Fishing Clubs - Any self-respecting fishing club will help new fish owners by providing them with stocking equipment.
- Friends: If a friend has an established tank, ask him a bit.
You can GET HERE The Best Aquarium Planting Materials
Planting equipment transport
The transfer of planting material from one tank to another must be done quickly to ensure that the bacteria remain alive.
Before transferring the seedling material, set up the new aquarium and let it run for a day to stabilize the temperature and water chemistry.
Once this is done, collect your planting material and use it within an hour.
During transportation, keep the material covered with a small amount of water from the original tank (the source of the planting material).
Do not subject it to sudden changes in temperature and move it as quickly as possible.
Letting the seed material sit for more than an hour can kill nitrifying bacteria because they need oxygen in the water to survive. If the material is subjected to extreme heat or cold, discard it and obtain fresh seeds.
Sowing with substrate
There are two options for inoculating a new aquarium using the substrate from an established aquarium.
The first is to simply distribute the planting substrate in an even layer over the substrate in the newly installed aquarium. This option works well if the substrates are similar in color and size.
The other method uses a nylon pantyhose bag. Fill the end of the tubing with 1/2 to 1 cup of the substrate, then tie the bag, cut off the rest of the leg, and hang everything in the tank.
Once the tank has completed the cycle, remove the bag and discard it (or you can use it to line the bottom of a potted plant; the substrate allows excess water to drain out of the soil, and aquarium waste makes a good fertilizer ).
Sowing with filter media
Filter media are an excellent seed material. The easiest way to use this method is to place an additional filter in an established tank for a few weeks to allow nitrifying bacteria to grow on the filter media.
Sponge filters are ideal for this because they are small, inexpensive, and easy to move. You can also use a motor or even cartridge filters.
Once the new aquarium has been installed and has been running for at least a day to stabilize the temperature, the seeding filter can be moved from the established tank to the new tank.
Leave the seeding filter in place until the new aquarium has been fully functional. If desired, you can leave it in place indefinitely to serve as a source of seedlings in the future.
It can also be used to quickly install a hospital tank if the need arises.
Another method is to use new filter media (ceramic rings or a sponge) designed for use in the new aquarium filter.
Place the stand in a mesh bag and hang it in the established tank for a few weeks before setting up the new aquarium.
This will allow nitrifying bacteria to thrive in the medium. When the new aquarium has been filled and the filter is ready to be installed, remove the bag from the established tank and immediately place the wet medium in the new filter.
This will start the new biofilter with beneficial bacteria growing in the medium while it is in the established aquarium.
Final notes
When purchasing seedling material from an established aquarium, make sure there are no sick fish in the tank.
You don't want to introduce bad bacteria or parasites into your new aquarium!
Additionally, there are many beneficial bacteria and "bacteria starter" supplements available at pet stores that will help a new aquarium get through the nitrogen cycle faster.
Adding these enhancers to the planting material will shorten the time it takes for a new aquarium to develop a mature biological filter.
This will reduce the risk of developing "new tank syndrome" where fish produce toxic waste faster than beneficial bacteria can break it down and make the aquarium water safe for fish.
Enjoy The Video Tutorial about How to Seed an Aquarium
Source: Chris's Fish's and DIY for Dyslexics

Ok, That is all for now…
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