How to Stop Your Dog From Jumping Up

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How do you train a dog not to jump on you?
Jumping is a common behavior problem in dogs. You may be annoyed when your excited and overly rambunctious dog attacks you as soon as you walk through the front door. But it can actually be dangerous for young children, people with physical disabilities, some older people, and people who don't expect their dog to be welcome. The good news is that you can train your dog to stop jumping on people and start greeting everyone more politely.
Why do dogs jump?
There are several theories as to why dogs jump on people; Among these, dominance and greeting behaviors are popular. However, the truth is that your dog will probably jump up to say, "Look at me!"
Without realizing it, you could reward your dog for jumping on you by giving him what he wants. As is often the case with children, negative attention can be better than inattention. Your dog doesn't necessarily realize that when you push him or yell at him to get off, you're trying to punish him. Instead, your puppy can see his behavior exactly as what he is looking for: valuable attention from his part.
In this case, any kind of attention the dog receives from you or others can be considered a reward. So it makes sense that instead of rewarding your dog for jumping, it is more rewarding to keep all four legs on the ground.
How to stop the jump
Training your dog not to jump on people requires patience and perseverance on your part. Know that there are actions he must take and others to avoid. Be consistent when training your dog and he will be rewarded with a best friend who keeps his front legs.
Hold attention
The first part of learning a dog not to jump is keeping his attention. There are several ways to do this:
As soon as your dog jumps, turn your back on him. Cross your arms over your chest and don't make a sound. If the dog runs to jump again, turn to the other side. Wait for the dog to stop jumping.
Another method is to choose not to participate completely. If your dog jumps when you walk in the door, turn around outside. If he jumps when you're inside, get out of the room. Wait a minute; then go back inside. Repeat this until your dog calms down.
Reward good behavior
When working to prevent unwanted jumping, it can help to have a few treats on hand. As soon as your dog is standing in front of you with all four legs on the ground, toss him a treat. Praise your dog too, but be discreet. Too much emotion and attention on your part can fuel another round of jumping.
It's practice makes perfect
It helps if you can set up situations to train with your dog. For example, if the jump occurs more frequently when you return home from work, spend a few minutes several times a day moving from side to side. Don't worry about your dog and get out if he jumps. Offer a reward as long as all four feet are simultaneously on the ground.
Add a Sit command
Once your dog can stay on all fours on the ground for a few seconds or more, start asking him to sit. Enter a room or enter through the front door and give the command "sit down." As soon as the dog sits down, offer him a treat. Practice this for several training sessions. With many repetitions, your dog will begin to sit up as soon as he walks through the door or enters the room.
Practice with other people
It is not enough to practice with your dog. You should also involve your friends and family in this training. Otherwise, your dog may learn that jumping on you is not okay, but everyone is a good game. Helping others with this training teaches your dog to keep all four legs no matter who enters the room.
What you must not do
You may have heard of methods of training a dog not to jump and that requires some form of punishment or aversion. One of these methods is a knee against the dog's chest. Another is to use leash correction (pulling or pulling on the leash) to keep the dog away from you. There are several problems with these methods:
- Correcting your dog's knee or leash too harshly or improperly can seriously injure him.
- By using one knee to the chest, you can knock out your dog, but the dog may interpret this as his way of starting the game. Your dog's response is likely to be to jump again to continue the game because it is necessary. you're trying to stop.
- Your dog can only learn not to jump when he is on a leash. Since most dogs are not on a 24/7 leash, chances are good that your dog will have plenty of opportunities to get away with it when he is not.
Enjoy The Video Tutorial about How To Stop A Dog From Jumping
Source: Cesar Millan
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