How to Train Your Dog to Be Social

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How do I teach my dog to socialize with other dogs?
Many people understand the importance of socializing a puppy. They ensure that puppies can experience a wide variety of people, places, and situations.
What many people don't realize is that it is just as important to continue socializing dogs into adulthood. It is true that all dogs can socialize.
Dog socialization is about making your dog comfortable with a variety of people and circumstances.
Dog trainers and animal behavior specialists have long emphasized that puppies under 4 months of age enjoy positive interactions with a variety of people and encounter as many new objects and situations as possible.
This includes things like meeting people in uniforms, meeting people who carry umbrellas, interacting with children, having their feet manipulated, and many other things that you think your dog might encounter in her life.
However, dog socialization does not have to end in infancy. It is a process that must continue throughout a dog's life.
Most vets will recommend socializing a puppy fairly quickly. Between 3 and 12 weeks is a good time to start socializing with your new dog.
See this as a crucial time window and try to create a list of experiences and places that your pup should interact with. Early socialization may include, but is not limited to, introducing your puppy to:
- New people, including a range of age, gender, and height
- Vehicles
- Different floors and floors, such as brick, sidewalk, grass, and asphalt.
- Neighborhood items, including kids on bikes, skateboards, and strollers
- Cats and other dogs
- Various environments such as forests, fields, urban areas, and bodies of water.
Adult dogs
The good news is that it is quite easy to socialize with an adult dog. There are a few things you already do that help your dog socialize throughout his life, including:
- Take regular walks in places where your dog can meet other people and animals.
- Visit the dog park.
- Invite your friends and your dogs to play.
- Enroll your dog in a doggie daycare once or twice a week.
Take clues from your dog
It is important that all of your dog's interactions with other people and animals are as positive as possible. Stay calm and positive during dog interactions.
Your dog will feed on the energy from him, so even if he is nervous, he will depend on his calm presence to stay grounded.
Use praise and treats to tell your dog that it is good to have other people and pets around. Ask new people to keep their hands on the dog's chest or chin; the dog will be more comfortable with strangers if you can see his hands.
If your dog is having a difficult time, focus on the positives and practice the grooming behavior. If successful, the dog will feel more secure in the new environment.
Rescue dogs
In addition to puppies, rescue dogs are often the ones that need good socialization the most. The techniques you use are often dictated by the history and skills of the dog.
If the shelter or former caregiver can't provide much information, don't worry too much. You can get a lot of information about the dog's body language and its response to environmental triggers (including places, people, or other things). Let your rescue dog set the pace for socialization.
Look for signs of fear, including:
Bent tail
Flattened ears
If you see these signs in a new environment, don't push your dog. Take note of the causes of these responses and how they vary.
For example, one setting may provoke a mild fear while another may provoke a greater fear. You'll want your dog to successfully go through less difficult experiences first and then move on to more difficult experiences.
If your dog displays defensive or aggressive behaviors, she will likely need to combine socialization with a more formal behavioral training program. Talk to your vet or a trusted dog trainer who specializes in training rescue dogs.
Verification problems and behavior
If your dog suddenly begins to show fear or aggression when she is around new people or in a new environment, a lack of socialization may be a factor.
The best way to deal with this is to find an experienced dog trainer or animal behavior specialist who works with fearful or aggressive dogs.
This expert can help you identify the exact cause of your dog's behavior and create a behavior modification program to help manage or end the problem.
Common mistakes
Don't push your dog too far, too fast. If the dog is uncomfortable, stay calm and try to remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible.
Scolding the dog will only make things worse. Calm the dog and stay calm and confident. Yelling at a scared dog will only make the situation worse.
Enjoy The Video Tutorial about How to Socialize Your Dog - The Right Way
Source: Dog Psychology 101

Ok, That is all for now…
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