Sphynx Cat (Cat Breed Profile, Characteristics, and Care Tips)

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Today we want to share with you a special post:
Sphynx Cats - Breed And Personality
Felines sphynxes were named after the Egyptian legendary sphinx (although, the cat is spelled with a "y" instead of an "i") for their sophisticated look and graceful nature.
Despite their regal appearance, they are playful and goofy pals sometimes acting more like dogs than cats. They may look like they were pets of the pharaohs, but, in fact, they originally hail from Canada.
Sphynxes stand out among other pets due to their lack of fur or hair—an uncommon occurrence among most mammals. These non-furry felines love to sprawl out in sunspots for warmth whenever possible. They make excellent cuddle buddies and prefer to keep warm under the covers with their owners at night.
Enjoy The Video Tutorial about the Sphynx Cat!
Source: Kitten Life
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