What Is Scruffing in Cats?

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Today we want to share with you a special post:
Is Scruffing bad for a cat?
Cats are only grabbed by the neck skin in limited circumstances, and neither of these situations is helpful to emulate in a home, vet, or shelter, but some people recommend rubbing your cat to discourage bad behavior.
We all want the best for our cats, and there are better and gentler ways to correct the behavior of our feline friends. Find out why rubbing your cat is not recommended to discourage bad behavior.
What is Scruffing?
Rubbing is a general term for a variety of grips on the fur of a cat's neck. The prize de la peau du cou varie d'une légère pression de la peau à la saisie d'un plus grand pli de peau avec des pressions variables, et s'accompagne parfois de soulever le chat ou de le retenir fortement d'une autre the way.
Why and when do cats scratch?
Like kittens: Kittens become flabby due to a flexor reflex. This reflex is only present during the first weeks of the kitten's life. Mother cats only grasp kittens by the skin in the first weeks of life to transport them.
They don't do this to discipline them, which is a common myth. It is important to remember that as humans we are not cats. A mother cat knows the precise pressure to exert on the skin on the back of the neck, and cats have pressure sensors on their teeth, so they have the ability to carry a mouse in their mouth without scratching.
Attacked by a predator: When cats are captured by predators, a large raptor, for example, they are usually grabbed by the skin of the neck.
Mating: During mating, the male cat will mount the female behind her, holding her by the skin of her neck with his teeth.
This is believed to immobilize the female and provide proper orientation for mounting, as well as defensive movement on the male part, as female cats often attack males during mating.
The genitals of male cats are covered in tiny keratinized spines that serve to stimulate ovulation in females, which can be painful for females, hence the possibility of females attacking the male cat during mating.
Cats are only grabbed by the skin on the neck in limited circumstances: during the first weeks of life by their mother, during mating, fighting, and when attacked by a predator.
Neither of these situations is useful to emulate in a home, vet, or shelter.
Using friction to discourage bad behavior
It is a common myth to use rubbing to discourage bad behavior from your cats. As mentioned above, feline mothers do not rub kittens to punish them, and this causes fear and stress.
When training your cat, using fear and punishment is not recommended for a variety of reasons.
It can increase fear, anxiety, and stress - there is always a reason for the behavior. Cats are not bad when they display unwanted behaviors and generally, these are natural behaviors for the cat.
Punishing your cat can increase anxiety and make cats feel insecure. Not feeling safe in your own environment and stress is often a cause of unwanted behavior.
It can harm your relationship with your cat: When cats do things we don't want to, we can react in ways that surprise our cats. This includes yelling, scratching, throwing objects, and spraying water.
These methods can cause your cat to become frightened and anxious around you, lose confidence in you, associate punishment with you rather than behavior, and increase behavior problems due to increased fear and fear. afraid. 'Anxiety.
It can lead to aggression: One of the most common reasons that cats display aggressive behavior towards humans is fear. If you were scared and someone grabbed you, many of us would instinctively resort to aggressive behavior, pushing the person or hitting them, this is also true for animals.
You do not teach the cat the desired behavior and you do not communicate effectively with your cat what you want: punishment may prevent your cat from doing what he is doing at the moment, but it does not teach the cat what to do that you want.
Oftentimes, cats will not know why they are being punished, they will learn to engage in unwanted behaviors when you are not around, or they will increase the behavior already present because it is very difficult for punishment to be effective.
Because the punishment is effective, the punishment is administered in a second or second place after the behavior is irrelevant, the behavior will be produced and the behavior is aversive to undertake the chat of the future behavior. , But is not the case. aversive to scare the cat.
Your cat deserves better: your cat is counting on you to take care of it. When we approach your behavior problems, we must treat them with compassion and productivity.
The best way to deter your cat's bad behavior is to find out why this is the case and find a better solution. Often times when cats display unwanted behaviors, such as scratching or getting out of the litter box, they tell us something is wrong and as caregivers, we need to listen to them. This can be due to medical issues, stressors in your environment, not feeling safe, lack of resources, etc.
Enjoy The Video Tutorial about How To Scruff A Cat
Source: SuperHappyPets
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